Northern Trust Statement on Share Repurchases

Northern Trust Statement on Share Repurchases

Northern Trust Corporation (Nasdaq: NTRS), holding company of The Northern Trust Company, announced that it has temporarily suspended purchases of its common stock under its share repurchase program.

The decision is consistent with broader efforts, including actions of other large U.S.-based banks, to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals, businesses and the economy by maintaining strong capital levels and liquidity in the U.S. financial system.

Northern Trust retains the ability to resume purchases of its common stock under its share repurchase program as soon as circumstances warrant.

Northern Trust remains strong and well-capitalized. Northern Trust has consistently passed the Federal Reserve’s annual stress tests with strong performance and has ample capital and liquidity to serve our clients even during a severe economic downturn.

Source of information

Northern Trust and


March 29, 2020

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