

Mechel is committed to maximum efficiency in its transportation operations and actively develops its own logistics. The company’s logistics division includes two sea ports and one river port, as well as transport operators. Use of Mechel’s own transport capacities enables the Group to reduce costs, make prompt and quality delivery of our products and guarantee Mechel’s transport security. The company is hedged against transport market fluctuations and can establish flexible delivery schedules best suited to clients’ needs.

Logistics enterprises are managed by Mecheltrans Managing Company OOO. Mechel’s products are transported over Russia and the CIS as well as further abroad. Cargo is expedited to Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific Asia. Much of the cargo goes through land borders into China, Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The transported cargo is mostly coal and iron ore concentrate, iron and nickel ore, steel products, coke. Cargo is transported by rail with subsequent transshipment in ports and delivery to end consumers by river in Russia and Europe as well as by sea and truck.

Transport companies constantly work at improving our logistics service.

  • Mecheltrans

    Mecheltrans OOO focuses on shipping cargo by railroad, automobile and water, as well as offering dispatcher services. The company’s principal activity is organizing transport within Russia as well as export and import.

    Mecheltrans is interested in mutually profitable cooperation with transport and expedition enterprises all over Russia. The management company offer consultations to cargo owners on choosing transport media and the best routes for safe, prompt and economically efficient delivery.
    By combining the efforts of its logistics chain’s participants, Mecheltrans manages to establish efficient schemes of delivering cargo by using all types of transport. Well-established port facilities and various forms of ship freight increase competitive advantages of the Group’s products due to optimization of logistics costs.

    Considering the scale of production and location of Mechel Group’s enterprises, as well as the markets for its products, the geography of its logistics includes practically the entire continent. The company transports some 45 million tonnes of cargo annually.


  • Mechel Trans Auto

    Mechel Trans Auto OOO provides automobile transport and expedition services to Mechel Group and other companies. The company has many years of experience in successful cargo delivery both domestically and internationally. Cargo may be insured and provided armed guard if a client so desires.

    Its own park includes 45 VOLVO long-haul trucks:
    • all transport is equipped with satellite navigation systems,
    • drivers undergo regular scheduled training and certification,
    • a special dispatcher service works round the clock for prompt issue solution

    External transport includes over 2,000 units:
    • partnership contracts signed with over 200 transport companies,
    • the park comprises both universal transport (eighteen-wheelers) and transport for large-size, heavyweight equipment (trawls, transporters).

Mechel Trans Auto constantly works on improving its transport logistics service.


  • Port Posiet

    Trade Port Posiet, situated on the Japanese Sea coast south of Vladivostok, handles coal supplies to Pacific Asia. It is linked by rail to the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Posiet is a useful terminal to export coal mined at the deposits owned by Mechel’s enterprises of Yakutugol and Yuzhny Kuzbass, as well as at the Elga coal field.

    Currently port Posiet can reload up to 9 million tonnes of cargo a year, but its capacity is due to grow up to 12 million tonnes annually in the long-term once the port’s reconstruction, aimed at transforming Posiet into a specialized coal terminal, is fully complete. Increase in freight traffic is planned due to implementation of modern technology for processing bulk cargo by installing high-performance equipment. Trade Port Posiet is the core enterprise for the town of Posiet, where it provides jobs to 350 local residents.


  • Port Mechel Temryuk

    Port Mechel Temryuk is situated on the Taman coast, where the Kuban River falls into the Azov Sea, some 4 kilometers away from the Krasnodar Region’s town of Temryuk. It is Russia’s southernmost port on the Azov Sea.

    Port Temryuk ensures coal supply flow to the countries of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, with cargo either shipped directly aboard river-sea type ships or transferred in the Kerch Straits onto bulk carriers. The port’s advantageous geographical position close to the Kerch Straits and the Black Sea, as well as the lack of ice throughout winter makes it particularly useful and attractive.

    Mechel Temryuk is a universal transshipment complex. It consists of two operational 248-meter berths. The total shore length of the complex is 850 meters, and it takes the total area of 36 hectares. The port currently shifts some 1,5 million tonnes of cargo a year, mostly coal and coke, as well as rolled products.


  • Port Kambarka

    Port Kambarka is a major port in the Kama River basin, 400 km downriver from the city of Perm. Through Port Kambarka, cargo from Mechel Group and third-party companies is shipped through Russia’s river ways down to Baltic and Caspian Seas as well as Black Sea and the Mediterranean. The port’s railways are linked separately to the Trans-Siberian Railway.

    The port has a 620-meter quay wall with a guaranteed depth of 4 meters for a ship’s approach. Internal railways of 3.8 kilometers in length allow up to 60 wagons to be loaded at the same time. Lading is done by eight 5- to 20-tonne portal cranes. The port’s storage area totals 38,300 square meters. The enterprise focuses on transshipping bulk cargo (coal, crushed stone, gypsum, rubble, sand, sand-and-gravel mixtures and alumina) as well as shipments of slab, billets, rolls and pipes.

    Port Kambarka allows shipments to Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria and further to Central and Western Europe.

    Port Kambarka also offers the following additional services:
    • cargo expedition by the fleet of its own and leased vessels,
    • providing its railway cars and trucks,
    • cargo delivery from door to door,
    • wagon layover at the port’s secure tracks,
    • all-inclusive services for the fleet.



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