Slávka Miklošová is the new General Manager of the VIG Group company Komunálna in Slovakia

Slávka Miklošová is the new General Manager of the VIG Group company Komunálna in Slovakia

The Supervisory Board of the Slovakian VIG Group company Komunálna poisťovňa, a.s. Vienna Insurance Group appointed Slávka Miklošová as the new General Manager of the company in a meeting on 21 August 2018.

Slávka Miklošová (49) graduated from the University of Economics in Bratislava. She began her career in the insurance industry in 1999, with a focus on accounting and controlling. In 2007, she joined Vienna Insurance Group and worked in the Controlling department. From 2013 to 2016, she was head of the controlling teams for the companies Kooperativa, Komunálna poisťovňa and Poisťovňa Slovenskej sporiteľne (PSLSP). In 2016, Slávka Miklošová was appointed to the Managing Board of Komunálna poisťovňa.

VIG a clear market leader in Slovakia

Vienna Insurance Group's current market share of around 32 percent makes it the market leader in Slovakia. Komunálna has been a member of VIG since 2001 and offers both life and non-life insurance throughout Slovakia from around 90 branch offices. Komunálna had a premium volume of around EUR 48 million in the 1st quarter of 2018. Overall, VIG generated around EUR 216 million in premiums in Slovakia in the 1st quarter of 2018. Average economic growth of 4.0 percent per year during the period from 2017 to 2020 (source: IMF) and an insurance density of EUR 413 indicate further opportunities for growth in the future.

Source of information

Vienna Insurance Group &


August 27, 2018

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